
Skinner 24-25 Calendar

Skinner Families – please CLICK HERE to view the Skinner 2024-2025 calendar! We recommend bookmarking the calendar. We will have printed copies available in August in the main office.

My Spark Program – Funds for After School and Summer Programs!

My Spark Denver is a program available to 4,000 DPS middle school students who are eligible for free and reduced price lunches. Qualified families will receive a $1000 restricted debit card to cover the costs of enrollment and participation inContinue Reading

Ms. Ramirez – Denver Nuggets Most Valuable Teacher

Our very own Ms. Aisha Ramirez, 7th grade math teacher, has been selected at the Denver Nuggets Most Valuable Teacher for the month of February! Yesterday, Nuggets guard Reggie Jackson and two Cheerleaders visited Skinner to present Ms. Ramirez withContinue Reading

Skinner Innovation School Status

Dear Skinner School Community, Skinner is rethinking our school model, systems, and structures by exploring Innovation School Status.  Fortunately, state law and DPS allow schools to apply for “innovation status,” which gives schools flexibility in structure and operational systems.  WeContinue Reading

5th Grade Families – Get to Know Skinner!

Skinner offers several ways to learn more about the incredible things happening at Skinner Middle School and why Skinner is a great fit for your 5th grade student! Skinner Prospective Family Information Nights Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 6:30 –Continue Reading