Special Education at Skinner

Special Education at Skinner Skinner Middle School works to support the needs of diverse learners. Special Education is committed to providing a quality educational experience based on the individual needs of each child. Special education services provide specialized instruction for students to

minimize the impact of their disability through a continuum of services, ranging from services provided in a general education classroom to fully contained classroom settings. In addition to special education teachers, students with disabilities may receive supports from paraprofessionals, nurses, school psychologists, social workers, speech therapists and physical therapists. 

Meeting students’ needs the moment they begin at Skinner is a priority of the staff, especially for the intervention team whether it be social, emotional, behavioral, and especially academic as the focus at Skinner is to best prepare kids for high school and beyond. Skinner provides a continuum of services for kids to meet their needs from intense center programs with direct basic skill education to support in grade level classes to give kids the little extra help they may need. In between options include smaller modified or intervention classes to meet kids where they are at to close any skill gaps and help kids not only gain abilities but also confidence. One on one instruction and/or small group instruction is also provided to students as needed. The support team is highly skilled and experienced with veteran teachers and passionate interventionists. Students at Skinner are loved and valued – meeting their needs is a relentless effort.

At Skinner, we have a variety of placement options for students within special education including mild/moderate, a Multi-Intensive (MI) center-based program, and an Affective Needs (AN) center-based program.

Please visit the DPS Student Equity and Opportunity website for more information on DPS services.